
First Art Show-March 25, 2011

Mom and I are excited as our first art show approaches March 25, 2011. The idea for an art show was discussed, hinted at, and speculated upon for many years. Glad we finally made it happen. Art Works Studios and Galleries is a great place for artists who want to get their work in front of the public. There is no jury determining whether you can display in the gallery. You pay a fee to rent the space and your work stays on the wall for a month after the 4th Friday art opening. We'll have about 15-18 pieces of acrylic and watercolor art on display. Our idea was to do some crossover between our work, thus the title "Blends". I used some themes and patterns from my mom's art and created my own pieces. Other than some residual anxieties about the process of hanging the work, we are ready to go. It will be an exciting night. Please join us!

Art Works
7pm-10pm, March 25,2011
320 Hull Street Richmond, VA 23224

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